Little Pee Dee Nursery
Specialising in hardy natives & exotics.

Little Pee Dee is situated just over 1 hour drive south-west of Brisbane in the Scenic Rim.
Little Pee Dee was owned and run by Paul O'Sullivan, who had a passion for plants. If you wanted an honest opinion you would come and see Paul. Unfortunately Paul passed away on the 5th April 2015. He will be sadly missed by his family, friends and customers. Esme, Paul's wife took over the nursery with the help of her two daughters Jenny and Marie. Esme has always been there but behind the scenes, potting, watering and getting the plants ready for selling. And now Esme has passed the nursery down to her Daughter Marie in July 2020. As you can see it always has been a family effort all round. Esme is now hoping to spend more time in her garden now that Marie has taken over the nursery, though she will be still helping with the day to day running of the nursery.
Marie's background initially was in production nurseries. After doing 6 months of tafe she started at her first producion nursery in 1994, she worked there for 3 ½ years where they sent stock to customers all over Australia via the post and also overseas mainly to Europe and Japan. The nursery also sent plants to the Chelsea garden show where their plants were in a gold medal display.
Marie than went on to work at a Tubestock nursery that continued to send overseas, but the main work was sending tubestock Australia wide to wholesale and retail nurseries. While she worked there she became the Nursery Manager. The production nursery had a range of about 1000 plants that were mainly produced from cuttings with seed, devision and tissue culture being the other methods. Marie worked here for 15 years with up to 20 staff under her including her Mum Esme and Sister Jenny and her Dad Paul also did some contract work there. While Marie worked at the production nursey she was able to complete her certificate, advanced certificate and Diploma in Horticulture.
Paul and Esme purchased the 6 acre allotment and house in February 1993, though they had been living there since 1981. Paul worked the Lucerne and small crop farm till it was split up and sold. The garden was than started by Paul and Esme in February 1993, before this it was nothing but a Lucerne paddock. Paul designed and built the majority of the garden himself. The garden almost only relies on natural rainfall with exception to new plantings and the nursery which uses minimal water by hand watering. The nursery was a more recent addition to the 6 acres , opening around 1996.
What's in the name?
The 6 acre property is named Little Pee Dee, so when Paul and Esme decided to open the nursery, the name was a given Little Pee Dee Nursery. A lot of people ask us how did we come by the name Little Pee Dee? Well the property was named in honour of Paul's amasing father
Paddy O'Sullivan OAM when he passed away in 1993. Paddy had a cattle station situated in the Macleay Valley area of NSW and it was called Pee Dee Station.
There’s a story about how Pee Dee Station was so named as well. When the Macleay Valley area was first settled, a little girl named Pricilla Duffy was carted off into the forest by the local Aborigines. Wherever she went she carved her initials PD on the trees hoping this would lead searchers to where she was being held. In recognition of this local historical event, the station was named Pee Dee. And yes Pricilla was found alive.
At Little Pee Dee Nursery, we are focused on providing our customers with the highest level of customer satisfaction & we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. We keep our prices as low as possible to make your dream garden affordable.
A wide range of native and exotic plants are available for your convenience. Some of the natives you will find are Grevillea, Callistemon, Syzygium, Westringia, Anigozanthos, Dianella, Eremophila, Melaleuca, Brachychiton, Pandorea, Lomandra, Leptospermum, Banksia, Correa, Prostanthera, Rhagodia and many more other varieties. We also have a nice range of succulents we select from, with about 350+ different varieties and also a few nice cactus to accompany this selection. We stock fruit trees including citrus, stone fruit and other varieties. A range of potted herbs, flower and vegetable seedlings are available for your convenience as well. A good range of exotics can be found as well including a range of cottage plants, Hibiscus, Agapanthus, Dietes, Bougainvillea, Duranta, Tibouchina, Azalea, Conifers, Ixora, Pennisetum, Gardenia and many more. Large quantities for your hedging needs are available in plants such as Photinea, Murraya, Buxus, Acmena and Syzygium.
We also have a nice range of wall art and novelty sticks and pot ornaments for sale at very reasonable prices.
The Little Pee Dee gardens are closed to the public as they are for personal use only now. In the past the garden had been opened through the Australian Open Garden Scheme.
You can also find us at:
Boonah Country Markets
Springleigh Park,
Coronation Drive, Boonah.
Every second and fourth Saturday of the month.
7am to 12noon.
Kalbar Country Day
3rd Saturday in October
Main Street, Kalbar